Procedural Motions

Procedural or formal motions are a special class of motions that can be moved in the course of debate about a substantive motion. The following is a brief overview of the relevant rules and provisions that are applicable to procedural motions. Further information about these motions are contained in Take the chair.

That the question be now put

When can this be moved?

During debate – to the extent of interrupting a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried this requires that the question being debated at the time is to be immediately put. When the question is going to be put the mover of the original motion has a right of reply.

If this motion is not carried, the debate on the formal motion continues.

Can this motion be debated?

Debate is not permitted on this motion, nor may it be moved or seconded by anyone who has spoken to the question.

That the question be not now put

When can this be moved?

During debate on a substantive motion. This motion cannot be moved in relation to an amendment.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried it prevents a decision being made about the substantive motion as debate ceases. If this motion is not carried the substantive motion must be immediately put.

Can this motion be debated?

There is no limit on debate of this or the original motion. This means that also anyone who has spoken on the substantive question may also speak on the procedural motion.

That the meeting proceed to the next business

When can this be moved?

This can be moved any time, but it cannot be moved to interrupt a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, it suspends any further debate on the underlying motion that was being considered. This means that the substantive motion could again be raised at the next meeting. If this motion is lost, debate continues.

If an amendment is being considered and this motion is carried, then the next business is the substantive motion.

Can this motion be debated?

There is no debate on this motion.

That the debate be adjourned

When can this be moved?

This can moved at any time, including interrupting a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, debate on the substantive motion is adjourned.

Can this motion be debated?

The only debate that is permissible on this motion is the matter of the period of time that debate is to be adjourned.

That the meeting be adjourned

When can this be moved?

This can moved at any time, including interrupting a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, the meeting is adjourned.

Can this motion be debated?

The only debate that is permissible on this motion is the matter of the period of time, date and place of the next meeting.

That the question lie on the table

When can this be moved?

This can moved at any time, including interrupting a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, debate is suspended until a motion to lift the substantive motion from the table has been carried. (If a motion to life the substantive motion is carried, then debate on the substantive motion would resume where it had been suspended.)

Can this motion be debated?

This particular motion can only be moved once during debate involving a particular substantive motion.

That the speaker no longer be heard

When can this be moved?

This is moved by interrupting a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, the speaker may not speak again during debate about the particular question being considered.

Can this motion be debated?

This particular motion can be debated. But it may not be moved by anyone who has spoken during debate on the substantive motion.

That the chairman’s ruling be disagreed with

When can this be moved?

This can only be moved immediately after the Chairman has made a ruling.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, the Chairman’s ruling is reversed.

Can this motion be debated?

This particular motion can be debated. The Chairman is entitled to offer an explanation regarding his or her ruling.

That the chairman lacks the confidence of the meeting

When can this be moved?

This can be moved by anyone who believes the Chairman is not adequately performing his or her duties at the meeting.

Consequence of this motion

After this motion has been moved and seconded, the Chairman should then call for a substitute Chairman to take over the debate on this procedural motion. If the motion is carried, the substitute Chairman seeks approval from the meeting to continue in the chair.

Can this motion be debated?

This particular motion can be debated. The Chairman can speak during debate on this procedural motion.

That the meeting move into the Committee of the Whole

When can this be moved?

This can be moved at any time. It can not be moved to interrupt a speaker.

Consequence of this motion

If this motion is carried, it enables the rules of debate to be suspended. This means that a free discussion can occur, such as speakers speaking multiple times. It is a device that is useful to consider a complex matter.

Can this motion be debated?

This particular motion is usually not debated.


Procedural Motions Guidelines

Click here to download or view a PDF of Rostrum WA’s Procedural motions guidelines.