Courses & Events

What makes Rostrum WA’s public speaking training so unique, is that in each and every Rostrum WA club meeting there is a trained and accredited public speaking coach who observes the meeting and gives feedback to each speaker at the end of the meeting. These coaches are highly qualified and experienced speakers who belong to other clubs.

This is a fantastic way for everyone participating in the meeting to gain valuable feedback about how they can improve their public speaking and communication skills. Rostrum WA is the only public speaking organisation which provides qualified public speaking coaches completely free to all members.

Development Programs

Rostrum WA offers a unique 3 tiered self paced public speaking course for your professional development.  Most public speakers take 8-12 months to complete each module.

In addition to the structured public speaking programs there are other options –

  • short communication training courses called “Speak Up Speak Out”,
  • general learning workshops,
  • public speaking workshops, and
  • mentoring.

Joining Rostrum Clubs of WA is as easy as :

Click on a marker to discover the address of the Club.


Visit a Rostrum Club

Visit as many clubs as you like, free of charge, to get a feel for what they have to offer.


Join Rostrum

Pick your favourite club which suits you best, and then join up to become a member


Build Your Confidence

You’re in! Every club is different, but all of them will help you find your voice.