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Arthur Garvey Speaker of the Year 2015 – More winners and achievers


The 2015 Arthur Garvey Speaker of the Year award dinner had a few extra items on the program this year.

The program also included an Impromptu Speaking Competition. Freeman Susan L’Herpiniere (50), Rob Gates (19), Ivan Miles (11), Luke Matthews (2230), Greg Swenson (19) and Peter Hickey (21) all delivered polished three-minute speeches after just three minutes’ preparation. Congratulations to the winner, Greg Swenson, whose speech on Tough Justice was a plea for compassion towards Indigenous Australians, and to runner-up, Susan L’Herpiniere, for showing us that it really is possible to prepare and present a decent speech under pressure!


The night was not only for speeches, albeit brilliant entertainment and worthy displays of what Rostrum training can achieve, but also the occasion to acknowledge members for their work in the organisation. Two long-time members were rewarded for years of dedicated service in their particular speciality with elevation to Freeman of Rostrum. Colin Peacock, a Club 19 member for 51 years and counting, added the gold lapel pin to his earlier Bronze Medallion for services to Dais. Juliet Park (34), Rostrum Voice of Youth co-ordinator extraordinaire, added hers to her Silver Medallion. Congratulations and thank you from all WA members!


Three Bronze Medallions were also awarded: Frank Butler (50) for services to Club 50 over many years; Freeman Ruurd Speelman (34) for at least as many years of service to Training Council; and Rose Fogliani (15) for services to the Informer( shock!).


Many thanks to Freeman Sue Hart and Club 2230 for organising the AGSOY competition and Dinner, and all the speakers who prepared and presented one, two, or three speeches in the lead up to a great final. Thanks also to the MC, presenters and everyone behind the scenes. The bar has been set high; it’s now time to start preparing for 2016!