It’s DECEMBER… Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
I’ll be in Melbourne by the time you read this, getting ready for a big family Christmas in someone else’s house. We’re doing a house swap! We’ve done a few of them in recent years, all successful, but this is the first at Christmas. Should be fun.
I trust all of you enjoy the holiday season in whatever fashion you choose to celebrate. And best wishes for 2013; no doubt I’ll be seeing many of you during the year.
I’ve had a great Rostrum year, culminating in the Dais meeting at the end of November where, surprise, surprise, no one else wanted the President’s job, so you have me in the role for another year! This is my third year and I’m still enjoying it but not so sure about 2014–time will tell.
As well as me the Board members are remaining in the same roles, with the exception of Freeman Sue Hart, who is stepping down as Speaker of the Year coordinator; primarily, so that she can enter the competition. Sue has done a sterling job over the last two years, with 125 attendees at last year’s dinner; only surpassed by the 140 at this year’s! Thanks for all your hard work Sue and good luck in the competition.
Sue’s role is being taken over by Freeman Karen Reid and she’s already made a start on organising and booking the venue. It’ll be in late October and I don’t doubt there’ll be plenty of innovation. Watch this space!
We’ve started planning for next year and Graham Minchin, our Director of Marketing & Membership, who is also Program Director for Club 19, has initiated regular contact and sharing of programs between Club Program Directors.
It’s easy to get stuck in ruts but there are some PD’s with great ideas. Graham’s intention is to share the ideas so that clubs hold innovative and enjoyable meetings. Please give him your support.
I’ve had a great end to the year, starting with an invitation to Leedy Speakers’ (Club 64) Christmas meeting. What fun; everyone delivered with great Christmas gusto, ranging from stories of traditional fermented whale blubber (but cooked in duck fat!) to the 10 Days of Christmas with a Rostrum theme–check out their Facebook page.
And then my own Club’s Christmas meeting with similarly inventive exercises; with Freeman David Price in the Chair, what else could it be.
Short and sharp this month but I wish you and your family a happy, safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. I look forward to seeing many of you around Rostrum in 2013.
Freeman Tony Lightman, President, Rostrum WA
Wedding Belles
On 23 August wedding bells could almost be heard chiming as the members of Rostrum Club 50 gathered for their first mock wedding. The ceremony was prepared, the music playlist had been created and attendants were dressed in their finest formal wear. However this wedding was a little different to most–it had a small twist. This mock wedding was a cross- dress mock wedding. The women were all in their best suits and ties and the men in their most flattering dresses.
The evening was spectacular as a heart warming and Registered Celebrant and Club President Wendy Wardell presented humorous ceremony to us. Speeches from the wedding party, including the groom, ‘Larry’ (aka Speaker Leonie Cullen), the bride ‘Marie’ (Speaker Murray Rosenberg) the mother of the bride and an apparently still-drunk groomsman, gave more than a hint of simmering family feuds and possibly even an imminent new arrival.
Once the ceremony was over and the laughter had died down, the guests gathered, as tradition dictates, to share some fellowship and compare notes. It was concluded that this entertaining and interesting evening would certainly be one they will long remember, possibly whether they want to or not.
Siana Wardell, Club 50
Southern Star Rostrum Club 63 ends the year with a Christmas cruise
In a departure from a land based Christmas meeting, Southern Star Rostrum Club 63 this year decided to set sail aboard the White Star, one of Albany’s Whale Watchers, and spend three hours cruising around Albany Harbour.
The previous day had seen high winds and rain and it was looking a bit doubtful for Saturday evening but the wind died down, the rain went away and by 7 pm we were off. It’s not often that we get to see Albany from the seaward side and it brought back memories for one member of his arrival in Fremantle as an immigrant more than 30 years ago and it also showed what a beautiful city Albany is.
The meeting was more of a social night so formality was put aside apart from a PQ and a Call My Bluff. Freeman Chris Walker, as MC, came armed with a liberal selection of truly appalling one-liners that he sprinkled throughout the evening. The speakers scheduled to make a presentation did so in a manner that truly showed off just what Rostrum is all about and all had a great time. Our award winners for 2012 are Mike Reed (Chairman of the Year), Shashi Holla (Speaker of the Year), Vanessa Thomas (Club Person of the Year) and Karen Stone (Most Improved Speaker).
In his President’s report, Freeman Chris remarked on what has been a truly amazing year for our club, with 19 members and, for the second year running, the Country Club of Excellence. The main thing however is the truly wonderful atmosphere that is present at our meetings, which promotes harmony and oneness of purpose.
Southern Star Club will resume on Wednesday 6 February 2013 soif you’re in our part of the world, please come and pay us a visit.
Chris Walker, President, Club 63
Freeman Osmund Perera clocks up 30 years
Freeman Osmund Perera has joined fellow Freemen and Club 11 members, Bill Smith and David Price, in achieving 30 years in Rostrum.
Previously with Club 31, Osmund joined Foothills Rostrum Club 11 in 1982 and since then has held all positions on the committee, including Dais Rep, and he is a keen participant at
Convention. An accredited critic since 1986, he has tutored speakers in many different clubs.
Osmund won the Arthur Garvey Speaker of the Year in 1999 and followed it with The Speaker of the Decade in 2000. In 2008 he completed the ADP and was elevated to Freemanship at Rostrum’s 60thAnniversary celebration.
Club 11’s ‘30+ club’ now boasts more than 120years of Rostrum experience; it certainly says something about Rostrum’s appeal.
Rose Fogliani, Editor
Congratulations to the Club Speakers of the Year 2012!
Joanna Whitney
Club 11
Joanna has had a very successful year, adding Club 11’saward to her growing collection. She might be wishing for a bigger mantle piece for Christmas.
Jo Turbett
Club 2230
The competition at Club 2230 was hot! Winner Jo (pictured with tutor Ruurd Speelman) recalled the time spent in her dad’s shed as a kid–spider webs, dust and all.
Juliet Park
Cambridge Speaking Club
Juliet won more than the usual engraved tankard with her speech The Silence is Deafening about how global complacency allows certain multi – national companies to exploit third world countries. Club member David Bevan (pictured with Juliet) generously donated three idyllic nights at his Forest Rise Eco Retreat in the heart of the Margaret River region. The prize included top-end accommodation and many sumptuous extras. Juliet was understandably ecstatic.
Anna Piscicelli
Club 15
Anna made history at Club 15 as the first woman to win the David Mead trophy, presented by Terry O’Meara. Her speech, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, highlighted the migrant experience.
Andy Cairns
Club 33
Andy won the Speaker of the Year competition at Club 33 in November with a speech, My Hero, about his brother Jim.
Frank Butler
Club 50
Shashi Holla
Club 63